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GOP Presser with Israelis

Johnson sets up new big-money fundraising vehicle

Speaker Mike Johnson has set up a new joint fundraising account, which will allow him to finally raise big dollars from major donors.

Grow the Majority will be able to accept up to $850,600 from GOP donors. The JFC will distribute to 25 NRCC “Patriots,” who are the party’s most vulnerable incumbents; 16 GOP challengers in NRCC targeted districts; funds in 10 NRCC targeted districts; state parties in 20 states; the NRCC, the Congressional Leadership Fund, RNC and Johnson’s reelection campaign and leadership PAC.

JFCs are a way for leadership to take six-figure checks from the party’s top donors. One of Johnson’s challenges is that many of the party’s wealthiest and most loyal donors have already maxed out to many of these accounts. But a JFC is necessary in today’s House political climate.

Johnson’s ability to fundraise is still a big question in the House GOP. He raised $16 million for CLF in the first few weeks of becoming speaker. But former Speaker Kevin McCarthy kept the House GOP political operation afloat for years, transferring millions to the NRCC and raising piles of cash for CLF.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise beat Johnson to the punch with his own JFC, which has been in the works for some time.

— Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan


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