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Senate Republicans are slated to reject a Democratic bill later today intended to protect access to IVF nationwide.

House GOP outside group raises $112M in 2023

News: Congressional Leadership Fund and the American Action Network — the House Republican leadership endorsed outside group — raised $112 million in 2023, far outpacing their Democratic counterparts.

House Majority PAC and House Majority Forward, the Democratic groups, raised $76 million in 2023.

CLF and AAN are big money magnets for the House Republican leadership. Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy raised record amounts of money for the groups, shifting the balance of power in the GOP fundraising world away from the NRCC.

One of the knocks on Mike Johnson’s speakership in the early days was that he would never be able to raise money from big-dollar donors. He’s clearly been able to hold his own and quiet many of the doubters. Johnson kept much of the McCarthy fundraising base in place, raising $32 million in the final two months of 2023. Johnson did eight trips for CLF after becoming speaker in October 2023.

CLF and AAN’s $112 million haul beat their 2021 haul by $2 million.

— Jake Sherman

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