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Steve Scalise

Scalise raises north of $27 million in 2023

News: House Majority Leader Steve Scalise raised $27.2 million for Defend the House, his joint fundraising committee, continuing his very solid fundraising in the post-Kevin McCarthy era.

Scalise pulled in $13.5 million in large-dollar contributions. Scalise is known for his online fundraising. The Louisiana Republican continued that trend raising $11.5 million online from 126,000 donors.

Scalise also transferred $9.7 million to the NRCC and gave $3.5 million to other GOP candidates.

Top GOP lobbyist hosting Johnson fundraiser: Jeff Miller, a top Republican lobbyist and close friend of McCarthy, is hosting a major fundraiser for Speaker Mike Johnson’s Grow the Majority joint fundraising committee.

The event, Jan. 31, is expected to raise north of $4 million, according to a source close to the fundraiser. Scalise, House Majority Whip Tom Emmer, House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik and NRCC Chair Richard Hudson are all expected to attend as is every Republican committee chair.


— Jake Sherman

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