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Congressional Democrats are becoming increasingly concerned about the administrative peril facing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

After USAID, Dems on high alert for CFPB

Congressional Democrats are becoming increasingly concerned about the administrative peril facing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

No one’s been kidding themselves about the CFPB’s limited activities under GOP control, and we’ve written elsewhere about the shifting Republican strategy of reducing the CFPB’s funding.

But after this week – as the Trump administration moved to swiftly kneecap the United States Agency for International Development – it’s becoming less clear that Congress will need to lift a finger to truly imperil the agency.

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Americans know who to blame for rising drug prices: Big Pharma. A majority of Republicans, Democrats, & Independents all believe Big Pharma’s focus on profits keeps drug prices high. Let’s hold Big Pharma accountable – it’s an issue we’re united on.

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