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With just 21 days until Election Day, the campaign filings give a real-time EKG of sorts for hundreds of campaigns around the country.

Some takeaways from Q3 FEC deadline day

Ah, Oct. 15. It’s just another day for many people around the world. But to political junkies – and more specifically congressional junkies – it’s a quarterly holiday.

It’s FEC filing day. With just 21 days until Election Day, the campaign filings give a real-time EKG of sorts for hundreds of campaigns around the country.

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Presented by Pharmaceutical Reform Alliance

Americans know who to blame for rising drug prices: Big Pharma. A majority of Republicans, Democrats, & Independents all believe Big Pharma’s focus on profits keeps drug prices high. Let’s hold Big Pharma accountable – it’s an issue we’re united on.

Editorial photos provided by Getty Images. Political ads courtesy of AdImpact.