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Huizenga, a contender for the HFSC gavel who currently chairs the panel’s subcommittee on oversight, is drafting a resolution that will blast Gruenberg.

Subpoena for Gruenberg is ‘on the table’

First in The Vault: The House Financial Services Committee is threatening to use “all compulsory measures” in its workplace investigation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and Chair Martin Gruenberg, even as agency staff begins to comply with the panel’s demands.

Committee spokesperson Laura Peavey told us in a statement that the FDIC had agreed today to allow senior agency officials to sit down for transcribed interviews early next week.

But Gruenberg himself continues to keep the committee at arm’s length. Peavey invoked the threat of a subpoena Wednesday afternoon, saying that “until Chair Gruenberg and the FDIC adequately comply with the Committee’s oversight, all compulsory measures remain on the table.”

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